High Summer ‘24 | Cherry Rice Salad


High Summer
Yarra Valley (Dec - Jan)


Buarth Gurru, Grass Flowering Season  & Garrawang, Kangaroo-Apple Season

Heart and Small Intestine
heaven and earth | pure from impure

Sally Coyle – Yarra Valley



2 cups (approx 500 gr) wholegrain rice- choose from any or one of brown, wild, red, or black with optional quinoa  
150 gr spinach
100 gr walnuts
250 gr Yarra Valley (or your own local) cherries
1 x Lebanese cucumber - peeled, cut lengthways, and then sliced at an angle
100 gr Yarra Valley Dairy Feta (my fave is “Saffy” soft cheese subtle flavoured with saffron).
100 ml virgin olive oil
60 ml white wine vinegar
A handful of Basil leaves
Pinch of good sea salt


  1. While the rice is cooking…make the Cherry Vinaigrette

    Combine the pitted cherries olive oil, white wine vinegar, and pinch of sea salt and blend until smooth either by hand in a pestle and mortar or blender. 

  2. Cook the rice and whilst still warm, combine with the spinach, cucumber, and walnuts then add a generous splash of the cherry vinaigrette. 

  3. Turn the rice onto a serving plate and sprinkle the remaining pitted cherries, feta, and basil

  4. Taste for seasoning and either add more of the cheery vinaigrette or put the remaining in a serving bowl as the rice will be hungry for more dressing.


Kitchen Table Wisdom

From the kitchen tables of London haute cuisine to Yarra Valley paddock-to-plate, international flavour enthusiast Sally Coyle designs a collection of Botanica Editions menus to help us sync with the soulful rhythms of the seasons. The perfect antidote to the hustle of contemporary life.

If you liked this taster,


to Sally’s full High Summer’24/’25 menu of nourishing elixirs

Created by Sally exclusively for the Botanica Editions community. The perfect outdoor dining menu of SIX recipes to share with friends during any high-summer luncheon or twilight meal.


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